Monday, March 26, 2007

Lost In Space

Daughter Rogue (DR) is a user of some of the Internet's most popular sites, including Facebook and Myspace. Because I'm a hip and happenin' kind of guy (I actually wrote that with a straight face...) I thought I would see what all of the fuss was about.

Apparently, to use Facebook you have to be enrolled in college. That seems somewhat discriminatory to me, but since I am unwilling to re-enroll, Facebook was not an option. I mean, after cramming 4 years of college into 5, who wants to go back?

That left MySpace.

Myspace consists of a bewildering array of menus, options, and personal questions that only a youngster or rocket scientist could decipher. Since I am neither of those things, I turned to DR for help.

She very patiently helped me set up a profile page. The profile page is where you list a bunch of personal information about yourself so other people can decide if they want you to be their friend or not. It's really not that much different from a middle school lunch room...

Another feature is that your friends are shown on your profile page, so everybody else can see how many friends you have, and who they are. So, the more friends you have, the more friends you get. Kinda like high school now...

You can also rank your friends. This works well for awhile, at least until someone cooler comes along. Then some of your friends are going to drop in ranking. This is a nice feature if you feel the need to piss someone off without actually talking to them.

You can also ask other people if they want to be your friend. For example, maybe you look at Bill Smith's profile and decide that he seems like a decent fellow, so you send him a message and ask if you can be his friend, hoping that he will add you as a friend too.

I was able to add DR as a friend, with only a minor amount of difficulty, and after being labeled a "Myspace disgrace."

After that, and flush with the confidence that only success can bring, I thought I would try and double the size of my friends list. I opted for a famous musician who has approximately 94,000 friends. I figured someone that popular would grant even my request, especially considering that I own some of his recordings and t-shirts. Well, not his t-shirts exactly, but t-shirts you purchase at his concerts, of which I have been to a few.

Anyway, my friends list still stands at one.

Damn I hate middle school...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You don't have to be in college to be on facebook anymore. They changed it. Which stinks. But that's okay, because "disgrace" doesn't rhyme with "facebook". So yeah. And when did I get the nickname DR? Heck I can't even pronounce "rogue". I don't even know what that means. What does that tell everyone about the way you raise your children??