Sunday, February 18, 2007

Idle Thoughts

Like a bad dream, the Dodge Rockem-Sockem robots, which were mentioned in an earlier blog, have returned. The February 19 issue of Sports Illustrated contains a two-page ad featuring this toy. As an added bonus, there are two game cards that look like tickets to a fight. They can be used to go on-line and see if you’ve won a fabulous prize. All you have to do is enter the number on the bottom of the game card. It’s a clever gimmick, as these things go. What I don’t understand is why you would advertise how tough your steel truck is by having it pummeled by a plastic toy. But what the hell do I know? I’m in engineering, not advertising…

One of our loyal readers sent the following link:

This is kinda fun. I did the “Visited States” version and scored a 60%, missing the upper Midwest and parts of New England. Also, Alaska and Hawaii.

I didn’t do the “Visited Countries” version since the only International travel I’ve done consists of travel to Texas and West Virginia.

Let us know what your score is. Note that landing at an airport in a particular state does not count, unless you actually left the airport.

Not that I’m competitive or anything…

Speaking of travel, be careful next time you’re in New Mexico. Check this out:

I can just imagine a guy who has had a few too many, standing in front of the urinal, bracing himself with one hand against the wall. As he begins to, ahem, relieve himself, the urinal starts talking. Guaranteed the flow will stop. A woman’s voice in the men’s room will bring all activity to a complete stop.

Once (if?) he figures out that the urinal is talking, one of two things will happen – he will become instantly sober, or head back to the bar for more booze to erase the memory of the talking urinal…

Maybe they should put the faces of the Rockem, Sockem robots on the urinal cakes…


Anonymous said...

from casa de la rogue:

It seems that, at my current age of multiple anniversaries of my 27th birthday, I shouuld have visited more than 23% of these greatUnited States. I guess I know what my goal for the next several anniversaries will be.
I wonder how many of those Rock 'Em Sock 'Em robots have been designed, and when will my kindergartners start bringing them to school for Show and Tell? And I am totally nable to comment on the urinal cakes. What must the mind of the inventor be like? My idle thoughts consist of what to make for dinner, did I forget to turn off the iron, and what should I feed my Kindies at snack time. This guy's thoughts must be quite interesting--unless it's normal for men to think about urinals, much less urinal cakes during the day. But then, perhaps my days are too mundane?

Unknown said...

For a guy who has a degree in the professions, and not in journalism (aka, now-a-days, blog writing and Web posting), looks like you've done a good job. Check out this blogging pro:

Looks like you've followed most of his "rules." Rock 'Em Sock 'Em robot-style.