Saturday, March 28, 2009

Huh? #2

Spanning the globe, bringing hard-hitting news directly to your screen. Here are the stories you could probably do without….

OK, while this is interesting, most people I know don’t need a fancy phone to make the trick work…

Go Ahead, Pull My Finger

Keeping with the finger and gas theme…

Finger in the Tank

Are you kidding me? This is a dream come true!

Pizza Machine

This is a great idea for water conservation. I just have one question: Who did all the research to figure out 65 seconds was the magic number?

Dual Flush Valve

And finally, it’s time for another Coveted DUMBASS (Designating Underachievement in Marketing By Advertisers Selling Stuff) Award. This weeks’ award goes to Maytag, for their inspired commercial advertising the toughness of their new washers and dryers.

Maytag and Trucks

This is a feature that consumers are clamoring for. You just never know when a monster truck might show up in your laundry room…

Spring has definitely sprung…

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Can you imagine... visiting your Mom and Dad and your cell phone rings... with on of the "Pull My Finger" apps? OHHHH, NO!!
