After attending a seminar yesterday with 80 other socially inept structural engineers, I thought the next multimedia edition of Suburban Rogue might be in order. If you think that spending a beautiful fall day trapped in a windowless meeting room with a bunch of structural engineers is a violation of the 8th Amendment you would be correct.
If you think spending any time, regardless of weather or location, with any structural engineer(s) is cruel and unusual punishment you would also be correct…
Speaking of the Constitution, one of the benefits of being an old fart who is a card-carrying member of AARP is that they make personalized videos for you, whether you request one or not. I recently received this unsolicited e-mail:
A Strange Video
In an interesting coincidence, I have a physical scheduled for next Tuesday. For me, being asked to turn my head and cough on Election Day seems rather symbolic of the current state of affairs…
The holiday catalogs have started to show up and I received an LL Bean catalog in the mail today. One of the items listed in the catalog is a “Snowball Maker Set.” Lest you think I’m making this up:
Snowball Maker
Yikes… We sure don’t want junior to get his hands cold, or wet, or to have any fun or to grow up with hair on his chest now do we?
A few days ago I was watching an interview with a country music singer/songwriter whose name escapes me at the moment. Anyway she was plugging her new album and told the interviewer that she “co-wrote that song by myself.” This must be the new definition for ghost-writer…
Alright, enough of this nonsense. Here’s some good music to help us all relax…
The Wilson sisters cover Elton John:
Mona Lisa and Mad Hatters
Kenny gets back to his roots:
In A Small Town
JT re-works a Drifters classic:
Up On the Roof
Just so you's definition of "JT" is Justin Timberlake, and I almost had a heart attack because I thought you had turned to the dark side and started listening to's unfortunate that James Taylor has to share his initials with the guy who tried to bring sexy back...
Justin Timberfake couldn't even carry the real JT's guitar strap!
Spoken like a true father of a die hard Backstreet Boys fan.
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