In 1937, a young man left his farm near Bethany, Missouri and came to a small town in northeastern Colorado. Shortly after arriving in Windsor, my grandfather purchased a service station on the edge of town and began to build a new life. In March of the following year, his wife and 7 children joined him in Colorado.
Grandpa R was an interesting guy. In his forties, he enlisted in the Army during WWII, and served with the Persian Gulf Command in what is present day Iran. As I mentioned previously, in the February 8, 2007 edition of Suburban Rogue , I remember him telling me about seeing the Queen Mary while in that part of the world. Upon his discharge from the Army, Grandpa R returned to Windsor and opened Roy’s Market, a grocery store near the east end of Main Street.
In April of 1958, a few weeks before I was born, Grandpa R was elected Mayor of Windsor. Highway 392, which leads from I-25 down the hill into Windsor, exists largely because of his efforts while Mayor. Grandpa R also was the Fire Chief for awhile, and later in life he drove a school bus. He was also very active in his Army alumni group, frequently traveling to conventions throughout the U.S.
My brother, who has built a very successful electrical contacting business, and his family live in Windsor. Last Sunday, my niece graduated from Windsor High School, the latest in a long string of “R’s” to do so. My relatives have been graduating from that school for about seven decades.
I’m glad to report that my brother and his family are safe and uninjured after today’s terrible events. Their home, which is located about 1 mile from the worst of the devastation, suffered some minor damage, as did their cars.
The beautiful, tranquil cemetery where my grandparents are buried is located in the heart of the most affected area. Many of the large trees in the cemetery were uprooted by the tornado.
I’m sure many you have seen pictures or video of the devastation caused by the tornado today. The people of Windsor are in for some difficult times in the coming weeks.
They’re gonna to be ok though, there’s a legacy of strength to draw upon…
Mrs. R., here,
Feeling a bit nostalgic, Mr. R? One thing I would wish is that I could have met both your grandpas. They both sound like terrific men. I guess the apple doesn't fall too far from the tree...
I thought about your grandparents yesterday, remembering your trips during high school to visit them. My prayers are going up for the residents as they rebuild and move forward.
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