There is one of those fads going around Facebook right now in which you are asked to list 25 random things about yourself. Since this month marks a couple of big 30’s (wedding anniversary, college graduation) in my life, I thought I’d give it a go.
So here it is, 30 things about me you’ll wish you didn’t know:
1. Bill and Ted had it right – “Be excellent to each other.”
2. There is no better place to spend an autumn Saturday afternoon than Folsom Field.
3. John Wooden was the man.
4. Pizza is the greatest food ever conceived. Barbecue and chili rellenos are close seconds. Honorable mention goes to French fries and key lime pie.
5. The 1970’s would have been remembered as a much better decade if disco music hadn’t shown up.
6. Always use sunscreen.
7. A good sense of humor is the best defense mechanism against real life.
8. It is never too late to make new friends or reconnect with old ones.
9. I thought I would be better at engineering after practicing for 30 years.
10. Regular wrestling matches with a rambunctious Golden Retriever are a good way to keep your blood pressure low.
11. I love my wife. I love my children. I do not love my job. That seems about right.
12. Learning to play a musical instrument in your sixth decade of life can be simultaneously exhilarating and frustrating. I highly recommend it.
13. I have earned every one of those gray hairs on my head and lines in my face.
14. Being 50+ is much better than I ever thought it would be.
15. “Success is the intelligent use of mistakes.” Anonymous…
16. Aaaah, the beach!
17. Whenever I feel like doing something productive, I lie down until the feeling goes away.
18. For me, the most anxious time of the day occurs in the moments right before I open my email at the office.
19. Red Rocks…
20. I’m still trying to figure out my own personal spirituality and faith.
21. I’m not a big fan of “Bucket” lists. I am, however, a proponent of extremely long “I’m Gonna Do This” lists.
22. It turns out that those tired old clichés about teamwork, carrying your share of the load, working together, understanding your role, etc., are all true.
23. So is that one about how adversity reveals character…
24. If you’re gonna show ‘em off, I’m gonna look…
25. Math is our friend.
26. The sounds of squeaking sneakers and a thumping basketball on a gym floor are timeless.
27. My “best thing” is not really having a best thing…
28. Hawaii Five-Oh is the best TV show theme song ever.
29. I am not a morning person.
30. Certain words are overused. For me, “stakeholder” means “the person standing in front of the grill with the tongs in their hands.”