Sunday, January 25, 2009

Jonesin’ For A Lefty

Recently, Son Rogue sent me an e-mail with a link to a story extolling the virtues of left-handedness. It seems that we are amongst the 10 percent of the world's population that actually uses the correct (not right) hand…

It turns out that being left-handed can also increase your chances of developing mental illness. Something about “asymmetry of the brain.” This asymmetry will likely come as no surprise to those of you that know me…

Check out this article:

Left-Handed Genes and Mental Illness

My personal opinion is that we lefties possess a nimble, creative brain that was developed as we learned to negotiate a right-handed world. Not that I'm bitter or anything, (well ok, maybe just a little...).

The rolls of accomplished artists, musicians, athletes, politicians, scientists; and yes even structural engineers and management consultants; are filled with the names of lefties. People such as Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, Beethoven, Bob Dylan, Paul McCartney, Babe Ruth, Bill Russell, Bill Bradley, Harry Truman, Gerald Ford, Bill Clinton, Norman Schwarzkopf, Benjamin Franklin, Isaac Newton, Albert Einstein.

Here is a link to some more names…

Famous Lefties

It seems that the guy we just elected president is also left-handed…

He is also a member of what is known as the “Jones Generation.” Although originally considered “late boomers,” the Jones Generation is the term used to describe those of us born between 1954 and 1965. It’s difficult for us to identify with some of the seminal events of the baby boom generation; the Vietnam War, the Beatles, the Summer of Love, etc. since most of us were too young to have participated…

We are also known as the generation between the Baby Boomers and Generation X .

Here’s what Wikipedia has to say:

Generation Jones

The term “Jonesin’” (meaning yearning) was popular slang in the 70’s, as in “I’m Jonesin’ for a pizza” or “I’ve got the pizza Jones.” As you can see, with the exception of disco music, the 70’s were pretty cool.

Some people believe that the Jones Generation currently has the largest adult population in the United States, in which 1 in 4 adults are “Jonesers.” With one of our own sitting in the White House, and 25% of grown-ups being Jonesers, it kinda looks like we’re in charge.

Whodda thunk it?

Next week I’m heading off to Las Vegas to attend the “World of Concrete” which is a concrete industry trade show that also includes dozens of technical seminars. I’ve chosen to attend a series of seminars on repair of concrete structures. There’s an old joke in structural engineering (at least on the forensic side) that “you get paid to look at other people’s cracks.” Well I’m going to Sin City to learn how to diagnose, and then repair, other people’s cracks.

Las Vegas seems like the perfect venue for that sort of thing…

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Predictions for a New Year…

In keeping with the spirit of the season, here are the first (and possibly last) annual Suburban Rogue predictions for the New Year:

1. Dodge Trucks and Burger King will continue to outdo themselves with their inane television advertising campaigns, forcing the FCC to permanently ban these two companies from the airwaves.

2. Even though they will have a new coach, The Denver Broncos will be renamed the "Enver Broncos" as they will continue to have no D.

3. My boss will do something to annoy me. In a mature act of retaliation, I will do something to annoy him even more. I will then be called into the “woodshed” for a record-breaking 23rd time.

4. My beloved Colorado Buffaloes will win 8 games this year, as long as the guaranteed victory in the spring game is included in the total.

5. The vast readership of Suburban Rogue will continue to expand, reaching the big four-three by the end of the year. Sadly, the advertising revenue, currently at $2.34, will not.

6. Vocalist/bassist Peter Cetera and drummer Danny Seraphine will rejoin Chicago and the band will launch a long-awaited reunion tour. The overwhelming response to the tour will force Mick, Keith, and the boys to consider retirement.

7. I will finally master switching from a G-chord to C-chord and back again. My guitar instructor will be hailed as the greatest music teacher ever.

8. Americans will continue to struggle with simple mathematical concepts, similar to the person I overheard at the movie theater talking about the 360-degree plot twist in the film he had just seen. In a related incident, another person said they had “paid $47 for 5 people, so it came to 9 bucks a person.”

9. I will finally figure out what a dangling participle is, and choose not to have mine removed.

Happy New Year!